Sunday, May 1, 2011

Ann is loving Holland! Our family is taking really good care of us and making us feel right at home. She's enjoying it so much that she said she might just skip the tour and stay here! (Don't tell her I said so, but that's starting to sound good to me right about now. I took 144 pictures today and she took 26, and she's bragging about what a great job she did. Please! Well, it's her birthday, so I'm going to let it go.) Anyway, yesterday we had a full day. We saw a working wind mill. Although Ann and Corrie climbed the rickety old stairs to the second floor, they were afraid to go way to the top to the fourth floor, which I did. Wimps! It was Queen's Day, a national holiday here in Holand, so we went to the city of Breda to mingle with the locals. Actually, mingle might not be the right word. We wedged ourselves into the crowd. There seemed to be millions of people there, all dressed in orange. Looked a little bit like a Bucs game in the old days. I was so afraid we were going to lose Ann in the crowd, but we didn't. Actually, she was missing for a little while, but we found her--coming out of a "coffee shop." Check out the picture evidence below. She swore that she didn't inhale! We spent the day today in Keukenhof getting our tulip fix. The real reason I took so many pictures and Ann didn't was that she spent most of her time buying things to bring home. She says Danny, Ryan and Alissa are going to love the wooden shoes she bought for them. The problem is she's going to have to ditch some of her clothes to fit them in her suitcase. It's going to be worth it, kids, you're going to love wearing them! Stanley is a great cook. Tonight we had Indonesian food. Yummy. I told Ann she had to learn to eat European style with the fork in the left hand and the knife in the right. She wasn't too excited about it, but she gave it a good try. Tomorrow we thought it would be fun if she and I ate European style and the rest of the family did it our way. We'll see what happens. It may end up in a giant food fight.

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